Data privacy
Data privacy
Privacy agreements
In this privacy policy we inform you about the processing of your personal data.
If you would like to change your data protection settings (give consent or revoke consent already given), click here to change your settings. here for changing your settings.
Winkler Solar GmbH, Räterweg 17, 6800 Feldkirch, Österreich,, +43 5522 76139
Hosting Provider
We host our website at our contract processor Raidboxes, RAIDBOXES GmbH, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 7, 48153 Münster, Germany. Raidboxes, RAIDBOXES GmbH, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 7, 48153 Münster, Deutschland.
Connection data is processed for the purpose of providing and delivering the website. For the mere purpose of delivery and provision of the website, the data is not stored beyond the call.
Die Rechtsgrundlage für die Datenverarbeitung ist die unbedingte technische Notwendigkeit zur Bereitstellung und Auslieferung des von Ihnen durch Ihren Aufruf ausdrücklich gewünschten Dienstes „Website“ gemäß § 165 Abs. 3 TKG 2021.
In order to operate the website, the connection data and other personal data are additionally processed within the scope of various other functions or services. Detailed information on this is provided within the framework of this data protection declaration for the individual functions and services.
Contact form
Auf unserer Website besteht die Möglichkeit, durch ein Kontaktformular direkt mit uns in Kontakt zu treten. Nach Absenden des Kontaktformulars erfolgt eine Verarbeitung der von Ihnen eingegebenen personenbezogenen Daten durch den Verantwortlichen zum Zweck der Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage auf Grundlage der von Ihnen durch das Absenden des Formulars erteilten Einwilligung gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO bis auf Widerruf.
There is no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal data. Failure to do so will only mean that you will not forward your request and that we will not be able to process it.
If you give your consent, we process your personal data with the service Youtube, Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland as jointly responsible for your personal data for the purpose of playing videos on our website.
We enable the Service to collect connection data, collect data from your web browser and place an advertising cookie. By placing advertising cookies, Google is able to calculate an individual user ID for each user. This personal data, which is suitable for unambiguous identification, is then processed within the framework of the advertising network operated by Google.
The Google Group transfers your personal data to the USA. The legal basis for the data transfer to the USA is your consent in accordance with Art. 49 para. 1 lit a in conjunction with Art. 6 para. 1 lit a DSGVO. You have already been informed before you gave your consent that the USA does not have a level of data protection equivalent to the standards of the EU. In particular, US secret services can access your data without informing you and without your being able to take legal action against it. For this reason, the European Court of Justice has ruled that the previous adequacy finding (Privacy Shield) is no longer valid.
Insofar as Google processes the data further independently, in particular within the framework of Google's advertising network, Google is solely responsible for this. Details can be found in Google's data protection declaration. Data privacy of Google.
Failure to give your consent will only result in the Youtube service not being made available to you. You can revoke any consent you have already given by changing your privacy preferences. privacy preferences. ändern.
The legal basis for data processing is their consent pursuant to § 96 Par. 3 TKG.
Google Maps
If you give your consent, we process your personal data with the service Google MapsGoogle LLC, Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, as joint responsible parties, for the purpose of displaying interactive maps on our website.
We enable the Service to collect connection data, collect data from your web browser and place an advertising cookie. By placing advertising cookies, Google is able to calculate an individual user ID for each user. This personal data, which is suitable for unambiguous identification, is then processed within the framework of the advertising network operated by Google.
Insofar as Google processes the data further independently, in particular within the framework of Google's advertising network, Google is solely responsible for this. Details can be found in Google's data protection declaration. Data privacy of Google.
Failure to give your consent merely means that the Google Maps service will not be made available to you. You can revoke any consent you have already given by changing your privacy preferences. privacy preferences. ändern.
The legal basis for data processing is their consent pursuant to § 96 Par. 3 TKG.
The Google Group transfers your personal data to the USA. The legal basis for the data transfer to the USA is your consent in accordance with Art. 49 para. 1 lit a in conjunction with Art. 6 para. 1 lit a DSGVO. You have already been informed before you gave your consent that the USA does not have a level of data protection equivalent to the standards of the EU. In particular, US secret services can access your data without informing you and without your being able to take legal action against it. For this reason, the European Court of Justice has ruled that the previous adequacy finding (Privacy Shield) is no longer valid.
Web Shop
Wir bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Produkte direkt über unseren Webshop zu erwerben. Im Rahmen des Webshops erfolgt eine Verarbeitung der von Ihnen eingegebenen Daten sowie Daten zu von Ihnen ausgewählten Produkten durch den Verantwortlichen zur Durchführung der Angebotslegung, des Vertragsabschlusses, der Vertragserfüllung sowie zur Erfüllung eventueller nachvertraglicher Verpflichtungen vor Vertragsabschluss auf Grundlage des von Ihnen initiierten vorvertraglichen Verhältnisses und nach Vertragsabschluss aufgrund des Vertrages gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO.
Sofern der Kauf unserer Produkte über einen bereits bestehenden Kunden-Account erfolgt ist oder ein Kunden-Account zur Abwicklung des Kaufs erstellt wurde, erfolgt die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten bis zur Löschung Ihres Kunden-Accounts.
Bei Kunden, welche unsere Produkte über ein Gast-Profil erworben haben, erfolgt die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten bis zum Ablauf der gesetzlichen Aufbewahrungspflichten.
Es erfolgt eine mit dem Zweck der Vertragserfüllung zu vereinbarende Weiterverarbeitung Ihrer Daten zum Zweck des Direktmarketings in nicht einwilligungspflichtigen Formen wie dem adressierten postalischen Versand von Werbung bis auf Widerspruch.
Es besteht keine gesetzliche oder vertragliche Verpflichtung zur Bereitstellung der personenbezogenen Daten. Die Bereitstellung ist jedoch zum Vertragsabschluss erforderlich. Die Nichtbereitstellung hat zur Folge, dass kein Vertragsabschluss erfolgen kann.
Warenkörbe von nicht registrierten Benutzern werden nach längstens 14 Tagen gelöscht. Die Benutzerkonten registrierter Benutzer bleiben bis zur Löschung des Kontos durch den Benutzer bestehen. Vertragsdaten werden bis zur Verjährung möglicher nachvertraglicher Verpflichtungen verarbeitet.
Right of objection
Sofern die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten auf Grundlage des berechtigten Interesses erfolgt, haben Sie das Recht gegen diese Verarbeitung zu widersprechen.
If there are no compelling reasons worthy of protection for the processing on our part, the processing of your data will be discontinued on the basis of this legal basis.
In addition, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing. In the event of an objection, your personal data will no longer be processed for the purpose of direct marketing.
The legality of the data processed up to the point of objection is not affected by the objection.
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to revoke your consent at any time by changing your privacy preferences. ändern.
In the case of consent to receive electronic advertising, your consent can be revoked by clicking on the unsubscribe link. In this case, processing will be discontinued unless there is another legal basis.
The legality of the data processed until the revocation is not affected by the revocation.
Rights concerned
You also have the right to information, correction, deletion and restriction of the processing of personal data.
If the legal basis for processing your personal data exists in your consent or in a contract concluded with you, you also have the right to data transferability.
Furthermore, you have the right to complain to the supervisory authority. Further information on the supervisory authorities in the European Union can be found here.